Does anyone know where I can purchase a yellow kiwi vine? I’ve been looking around online and get the impression that sales to the public are restricted? Any leads would be greatly appreciated! I’ve purchased a green kiwi vine as a backup so any tips for growing here in the valley would be appreciated as well. Happy holidays to everyone!
Hi Penny, I’d never heard of a yellow kiwi so had a look online (I have a green kiwi-male and female-about 8 years old that has not yet produced fruit). You may have already seen this but just in case here is an interesting discussion from 2020–I think gold is the same as yellow in this case?
Sorry for this delay. I wanted to pass on info from Paradise Plants. They say many kiwis do not flower in Courtenay and suggested Garden Pro Superbloom. It is
10-40-25. They sell this for $12.99. They also suggested that they would be
interested in a “savings” program for the Comox Valley Horticultural Society. So, it may be worth looking into as Art Knapp’s will be gone by the end of the month I believe. Happy Growing everyone!
@Gordon @PennyD interesting and thanks for the information! I had help with pruning my kiwi this spring and low and behold, flowers appeared! Unfortunately, pollinators didn’t but at least I’m on the right track. I still may try that fertilizer however.
I’m copying in Gordon, the CVHS Pres regarding the potential savings program at Paradise. Thx as well for that!