I am so excited! I have squash. First year growing them and they are coming along nicely. But…they are growing along the ground, and I am concerned I might wake up one morning and they are gone or have bites taken out of them. I do not have a rat problem right now, but does anyone have suggestions as to how I can be proactive and not give them a chance? Remy cloth around the squash? Wire mesh just around the squash? (A fence would be really tough to put around the whole plant). Thank you!
If you have winter squashes growing, their skin is very tough. We’ve over the years had the tiniest of nibbles on ours, but really nothing to worry about. The summer squash with their more tender skin could be more of a target, but we’ve not really had any issues with rats or anything else eating ours. Personally, I wouldn’t worry too much about them. Rats are opportunists and will go for something easier, like tomatoes or peppers, unless you are really inundated. That’s been our experience anyway.
Thanks Kim. Yes, they are winter squash, so I won’t worry thanks for the response.
Although I don’t grow squash myself (not enough room in my sun drenched area), there is a lady across the street that does. We have rats … and raccoons … and deer … and, oops, off topic … anyway, she grows all sorts of squash and has not reported any problems with any of the resident pests. I think you will be fine. Fingers crossed for you. BTW, want a rat? A raccoon? A deer or two? Yah, I know, moderator, off topic again.
Thank you! Good to hear. A big buck tromped through my front yard flower bed the other day. He didnt eat anything and I must have scared him as he ran smack- dab into the hedge before leaving. I had a family of 5- yes 5 raccoons- here for a few days. They didn’t do any damage and seemed to have just left…lol…maybe your garden is much tastier than mine:)