Walnut trees become sicker each year

We have a very old walnut tree that has become sicker every year. As the walnuts develop, the skin becomes almost black, later having tiny white worms in it. This does not affect the meat, although the nut size is smaller each year. Another issue is a gall that will form on the underside of the leaves which deforms them. The leaves also develop rust marks… How do we treat what seems to be three issues and is there a product to fertilize it?

Apparently, if you have a lot of chickens living underneath your walnut tree, they will be able to keep the Walnut Husk Fly to a minimum. From my research, commercial walnut plantations do this. We had two walnut trees that for quite a few years were fine and produced a lot of walnuts, but eventually, they became infested with this horrible pest. We cut them down 2 years ago. See here for more information.

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Thanks Kim.
The site you sent has lots of ideas and solutions. We’ll do the first aid.

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