TULIPS wanting to be planted!

We still have bags of Tulip Bulbs, donated to the club for sale. $5 for a bag of 20 or 25 or 30 large bulbs. Plant them in pots for Spring so you can protect them from deer if that is an issue. Or give them to family/friends in pots for a Spring surprise! Still many colours to choose from and some Darwin Hybrids which are more reliable to come back each year. Some are put on the farm stand, more in my garage, 5000 Willis Way.

I would like a couple of bags of tulip bulbs if you still have any?
Stopped by the farm stand the other day but did not see any
I would come by today if you still have

I replied on my email but not sure if it went to you. Sorry I was away at a bonsai workshop yesterday. I am home all day today - Sunday - if you wish to come by. Come up to the house - watch the ice on the driveway.

Did not see an email- Working today but could come by Monday anytime or Tues in am if that works?

I guess when you send an email via CVHS I am only able to reply when I come onto this site. I sent an email to say I would leave the last of the tulip bulbs on the farm stand, come by any time. They are FREE, takes as many as you wish as they will be going into the compost after this.

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