Trusty Flowering Shrubs – Natalie Carmolli, Advertising and PR Specialist, Spring Meadow Nursery, Proven Winners

We enjoyed an incredibly informative talk last night from Natalie Carmolli about hard-working shrubs in the garden. These shrubs solve various problems such as deer nibbling, water use, poor soil, heat and cold. As well, many of these plants have been bred to be disease resistant, non-invasive, a compact size, have strong stems to support blooms, have a longer boom time, are self cleaning (no deadheading required), have greater vigor and better foliage.

A few of the hardy shrubs discussed were:

Native Aronia melanocarpa
Native Cephalanthus
Native Diervilla
Native Hypericum
Native Itea
Native Clethra
Caryopteris x clandonensis
Hibiscus syriacus
Spiraea japonica

Many Hydrangea varietals (even singular plants that bloom on old AND new wood so there’s no pruning mishaps)

Some ‘deer proof’ shrubs that were discussed include:

SISTER ® Series Cytisus
CELTIC PRIDE® Microbiota
HAPPY FACE ® Series Potentilla
PROUD BERRY ® Symphoricarpos

For a good list of deer resistant plants, courtesy of the Proven Winners website, click here:

Many thanks to Natalie for this wonderful talk! A copy of her presentation will be shared on our Forum when it’s received. Note from a member: many of these plants are available at Home Depot. For photos of some of these plants, please see our Facebook page here:

Here are more resources from Natalie:

As well, regarding the Hypericum (St. John’s Wort) that was discussed, Natalie says:
As far as the St. John Wort, the shrubby/woody variety that I mentioned is not invasive. Sunny Boulevard is a Hypericum kalmianum. There are several species of HypericumHypericum perforatum, is a perennial that spread through rhizomes and is marked as invasive in the northern states and Canada.