Transplanting a rapidly growing eucalyptus tree

Looking for advice on moving a non specified eucalyptus that I bought last spring (2020) at 6" height at the local farmers market. It has thrived and is now over 6’ tall…I don’t want to kill it. Waiting for rains to start but any tips on what i can expect for rootball or ease of move would be appreciated.

Hi zihuatrish!

How did the eucalyptus move go? I remember seeing these trees in Costa Rica and they were magnificent! I would love one on our property, but it is quite wet so not sure it would survive. But, will enjoy yours and those at the Filberg Lodge!

Hi Gordon…I just saw this now…welcome to 2022!! Well we were surprised that it had no long tap root, just 4 very long surface roots that we carefully embedded in rich prepared soil and covered with mulches etc. and staked firmly to support it…and then the winds, rain and the cold have been assaulting it ever since…I have plans to do a version of “Coppicing” in the spring when the final dangers of frost are past…I think it has survived but time will tell…meanwhile we hope that the westside of our house location and the proximity to the structure although the roots are a bit scary will protect it. I hesitate to include a photo as it is currently bowed over with the lower part supported but it’s full height is too tall for support.

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