Someone who sharpens pruning shears?

A friend is looking for someone to sharpen her pruning shears. Does anyone have a contact for that service? Thanks!

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There is a home based knife sharpener who does excellent work for “anything” that needs sharpening, including pruning shears and his fees are very reasonable.

Ron at Valley Knife Sharpening

His shop is in the basement of his home but he has a side door so it’s easy to keep your distance for COVID safety. Drive up Lake Trail Road and turn right onto the Comox Logging Road, right onto Marsden and R onto England. Last house on the left


Thanks! I’ll pass the information on to my friend. There are probably other gardeners who will be happy to hear about Ron.

Last year I had my garden shears sharpened by The Slice King. He lives in the Old Orchard area, and I was happy with his work. In the summer he is often at the Farmer’s Market outside in the parking lot.

This year for my secateurs I am going to try doing it myself. I bought a Greenhouse Pro multi sharpener from Midland Tools for $11.99, and it was easy to use. Art Knapp also sells the Greenhouse Pro sharpener but for more money. Lee Valley sells a fancier contraption that looks foolproof.

Jane Lucas


Thanks. Good contact and info!

The Slice King (Shane) did mine as well as my knives. Most weekends outside at the farmers market. Very reasonable price.

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Thanks. These are all good resources as we prepare for spring!