Rather than moss and the like

I am looking for a ground-cover that will be able to grow in a north facing bed under rhodos, ferns and the like. Any suggestions?

Do you know about the Grow Green Guide? It’s a collaboration between Metro Vancouver and UBC Botanical Gardens. See link below. It includes only plants that are non invasive, readily available and thrive in the Vancouver climate (close enough to us I think) without needing lots of water or chemicals. I put in your filters (shade and ground cover) and 11 plant selections were returned. You have to click on the picture to get the name or any info on the plant (these are just screenshots so clicking on these photos won’t return info—you have go to the website and redo the Pick-a-Plant).

Fun to poke around.


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Japanese Pachysandra (Spurge) comes in plain green and variegated forms and grows about 6" tall with small creamy flowers. It is evergreen and low maintenance. Dry shade is no problem. I have it planted under trees and tucked into bare spots. Hope this helps. Evelyn


Cyclamen is beautiful under Rhodos, nice foliage and flowers. It will naturalize if happy.


That’s a really useful tool, Lorna. Thanks! :upside_down_face:

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Have used creeping jenny and periwinkle in shady areas with fast success. They are invasive but easily controlled and stay low. Brenda

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There are some beautiful oxalis out there. My favourite has a white flower with deep burgundy striations. The leaves are 1 1/2” to 2”across. Ginger can also look nice They also have the advantage of being easy to get rid of

I can’t remember the name if the oxalis but would be happy to give you some if you are interested



I had already replied but it seems to have disappeared.if you see this twice, that will be why

Have you thought of oxalis! It is lovely, only 1-2 inches high with glossy green leaves. It is evergreen and my favourite one has white blossoms with burgundy striations. I would be happy to give you some if you are interested. Ginger is another alternative

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