Open Garden Tour, Courtenay - May 25, 2024

Our latest Open Garden Tour took place at a garden that began its transformation five years ago from crushed gravel, grass, and a couple of beds with wormy potatoes and mint into a truly gorgeous oasis. It contained many beautiful plant combinations that were repeated throughout the space making this garden very cohesive and non-‘higgledy piggledy’. The use of rocks, both large and small, added a wonderful anchoring element to the beds. A huge thank you to the homeowner for sharing her fabulous garden with us…and for being present to answer our many questions!

If you’re interested in ways to use rock in your garden, our next CVHS meeting will feature speaker Paul Spriggs, who will talk about rock and crevice gardening. See link for more information:…/may-27-2024-the…/

For more photos, please see our Facebook post here: