Open Garden Tour, Courtenay – July 13, 2024

This very long, yet fairly narrow property was, cleverly, split it into three sections by the homeowners. Practically, the area immediately next to the house is a beautiful perennial garden that can be enjoyed every time they step out the door. It included lovely, rustic garden art…many in the form of guinea fowl!

The second section was a very productive, yet compact food garden, including lots of climbers to make the most of the space available. There was even a grape vine and many squash. Also present was the wonderful, Merville-made Speedibin composter plus chicken wire leaf catchers, which are a great easy way to make your own leaf mould.

Lastly, and furthest away from the house, tucked in amongst large trees, was a serene woodland garden…that was just finished this past week. Many of these plants were purchased from Bowser’s Streamside Nursery.

Huge thanks to Rod and Tanya for sharing this beautiful space with us!

To see all the photos taken of this garden, please see our Facebook post here:

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