Lavender varities used in foods

I’m looking for Culinary Lavender and not able to find these varieties - ’ Lavendula Angustiflolia’, Melissa, Croxton’s Wild, Wykoff, Miss Katherine, Royal Velvet, Folgate or Buena Vista.
If you have one (or more) I’m happy to buy or trade for one of my varieties.

Angustifolia is a species of Lavandula and all of the ones you noted are cultivars in the L. angustifolia line. ‘Hidcote’ and ‘Munstead’ are two popular cultivars of L. angustifolia which are usually available at any of the nurseries in our area and I use these two for my culinary needs. For the cultivars you have specified, you may have to search online for seeds…and may have to go as far as England. But try putting the plant names in a Google search asking for plants for sale and see what pops up. Good luck!

Thank you for all the info on Lavender. I’ll go on the hunt for the hard to get varieties. It’s always fun to have something unusual in the garden!