Lasagne Gardening?

Is anyone planning a new garden this year using the lasagne gardening method? Are you trying to rid yourself of a patch of weeds? If ‘yes’ to one or both questions, then I have part of the solution for you. Cardboard. Lots of it. Recycle day is March 23, so that is where it will go if no one is interested. If you are interested, email me at

Cardboard is gone to a better home. :slight_smile:

Yes, I plan on doing this type in our newly purchased home. It has a great back yard that needs some love and a great garden. I follow Charles Dowding who is the UK. He has several videos on a “NO Dig Garden” where he uses cardboard as a base for his new plots. It is such a great idea and since we are just moving in. Lots of cardboard to put to a great use!