Help with Tree Choice

I am replacing a large Rhodo that died with a shade tree. The space between two other large Rhodos, is approx. 8’ x 6’ so acidic soil, good drainage. The site is mostly full sun.

I am thinking of planting a Thundercloud Flowering Plum (pink flower, dark burgundy foliage) or Golden Raindrops Crabapple (white flowers, small yellow berries). They are both about the same size at maturity (20’ Tall x 15’ - 20’ Wide)

Is the crabapple messy? Do the birds like the berries?
Does the Plum have berries?
Are there any pruning challenges with either tree? (i.e. sprouts)
Any pest problems?
Is the shade dappled or solid?
Bloom time? April with Forsythia or later with Rhodo’s (May)?
Any other plants/trees I should also consider planting?

Feedback would be much appreciated if you have or know someone who has grown either of these trees. Thank you.

Hi Evelyn,
I happen to be reading The Tree Book by Dirr & Warren (2019) at the moment so thought I’d look up both the varieties you mentioned.

Thundercloud is not listed but for Golden Raindrops it says…
Fine textured cut leaf foliage brings a whole new look to crabapples. Upright-spreading, with a bit of layering in its shape: the wonderfully clean, green foliage has the best scab resistance of all the cultivars but is susceptible to fireblight. A great tree for areas like the cool moist pacific northwest and our first choice there, where scab pressure is high but fireblight is rare. Star-shaped white flowers. Tiny golden fruit, 1/4" wide, gives it its name. 25’ tall, 20’ wide.

It sounds lovely.

Hi stargazergarden, regarding the crab, remember that it needs full sun. Would it get full sun between those two rhodos? It is going to be a bit of a dirty tree, but I love crabapples. I keep the fruits for cooking, but I imagine other wildlife would be happy to take them if you don’t want them. Fruits are tiny. Bloom is mid spring. It will get to be a big tree, like 20’ if you let it.