Haskap Berry - Yezberry Solo

This is the easy to grow and very productive fruit bearing shrub that Brian Minter mentioned during his recent talk. If anyone is interested in learning a bit more about it, here are a couple of links:

The ‘Yezberry Solo’ varietal (the one recommended by Brian) is from Proven Winners. Here is info from Proven Winners:

A short YouTube video on growing in pots:

Unfortunately, it was difficult to find a place to actually buy these shrubs. It could be just that its early in the season. One place, Mountain Edge Nursery in West Kootenay, had stock.(this is not a recommendation).


I spoke with Linda at Art Knapp today and she said they will have Hascap plants this Spring, but was unaware of the Proven Winners Yezberry plants. She said that it can be difficult for nurseries to find growers who produce certain Proven Winners plants. Maybe if more of us ask them about Yezberry they would try to find a source?