Huge thank you’s to Arzeena for a fantastic talk and great discussion all about seeds! There was so much practical information shared starting from the germination stage all the way through to the growing the young plant stage. Too much to share here!
A couple of helpful notes:
- Arzeena uses organic Sunshine Mix #4 (available from Shar Care) to start her seeds
- Watering pots from the bottom will help with many problems (fungus gnats, less fungal growth, damping off)
- Natural Insect Control is a company in Ontario used by Arzeena. It sells beneficial nematodes to help with pest control.
- A seed contains enough nutrition to get a young plant to its two or three leaf stage. A small amount of fertilizer (such as Gaia 4-4-4 or a combination of fish fertilizer and kelp) can then be applied to provide further food.
- Plastic containers make excellent seed starters. Reuse plastic obtained from the grocery store—the ones with domes work particularly well to retain moisture (just make sure you punch holes in bottom for drainage).
Thank you once again, Arzeena, for being so generous with your knowledge and time, whether its at our meetings or through various social media channels here in the valley.