strong textI have been diligently checking (usually daily) on my winter cabbages & brussel sprouts only to find them gone the other day! My only clues are some poop left behind (see on the cabbage photo, on the leaf) & some pretty substantial stems chewed down. There were some baby slugs that I found but my question is what can take these big veggies down overnight? Could it be rats? Google says rats won’t eat purple cabbages but 2 of mine were purple.
I was wondering if maybe a rabbit.
That looks like rat poo unfortunately. Rabbit poo is rounder I think.
I’d have to agree with Lorna, that the droppings look like rat. There is a big rat problem on the
Island, unfortunately. I suppose it could be a combination of critters too.
cabbage is a favourite of rats. last summer and fall they demolished all our cabbages. we trapped about 20 rats in the veggie garden.
Sadly I think you are right. I did hear Arzeena say voles to someone else asking but whether voles or rats I’m probably in the same scenerio. Thanks for all feedback!
What a shame! Did they eat the purple cabbages as well (if you had some)?
Thank you, our compost pile (even though it is enclosed) might have to go
Unfortunate is right!! Thanks though
we only had green cabbage, but they also demolished our broad beans and peas completely, but left the kale untouched - my husband says they must have a discerning palate, lol!