Cedar hedge & japanese maple for sale

Instant cedar privacy hedge with deer-proof minimalist see-thru fencing.
About 80" high (72" from top of pots). Total length about 23’ (15 trees) in tight formation. You can arrange them however you like.
Optional - Add the 11-foot, 2-color Japanese Maple tree, and the 8-foot evergreen shrub to increase length to about 30 feet. (The maple is beautiful from early spring to late fall.)
All the trees are in pots but probably have some tap root that has grown thru the pots.
The Japanese Maple and the evergreen shrub are in wooden barrels that are crumbling (You’ll need to put them in the ground or in new barrels.)
The fence itself is pounded-in rebar and sturdy stucco wire, both painted green to blend it, and have withstood numerous assaults by deer.
You’ll pay about $250-$350 (plus tax) for a small 6’ Japanese maple at Gardenworks. About the same for the shrub. Home Depot sells 3-4’ cedars for about $25 each in the spring (these ones are over 6.5’ high) but many find the Home Depot ones are quite fragile and often die off quickly. These are hardy (as you can see in the photos) and should easily survive being moved. Just don’t beat them up. And plant them properly.
Offering first to fellow Hort. members before posting online for others. Let me know if you’re interested & what you can afford Taking offers. (We’re moving and they can’t come ;-((

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I am interested in Japanese Maple, also cedar hedge…how much would you like for each? we have fencing already. Thank-you Anita

Me again… how much it cost for all trees and hedging or just price of cedar hedging? thank-you . Anita T.

Hi there…well we are taking offers at the moment.throw us a number :-))

Trees only is just fine $500.

$500 is great for cedars only

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