April 28, 2024 Open Garden Tour

Open Garden Tour – April 28, 2024

Many visitors enjoyed Joan’s beautiful woodland garden today. There was a very large variety of beautiful plants packed into every square inch…and zero lawn. Camassia, Epimedium, Species Tulips, Anemone, Euphorbia, Daphne, Erythronium, Bergenia, Kerria, Camellia, Brunnera, Helleborus and a gigantic Honeysuckle were some of the recognized plants……most in flower. Thank you so much Joan for opening your garden!


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I’m so sorry I missed the first of the open garden tours. It’s very difficult to re-arrange commitments but I love looking at gardens. Thanks for the pictures.

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There will be more tours (yesterday’s was a last minute addition)….below are details of the next one that is booked. Hope you can make it!


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